OPrep1.1 - The learner will develop self-determination skills for participating in transition planning and making a successful adjustment to adult life.
- OPrep1.1.01 - Explains the terms self-determination and self-advocacy and relates these concepts to personal rights and planning for the future.
- OPrep1.1.02 - Develops the self-awareness needed to identify personal traits and attributes affecting success in the following activities of adult life: self-concept, self-confidence, strengths and weaknesses, expression of emotions, acceptance of praise, acceptance of criticism, personal social skills, accommodations and modifications needed due to disability, positive characteristics,listening skills, problem-solving skills.
- OPrep1.1.03 - Identifies the information provided through evaluations and assessments and applies the information to transition and career planning: aptitudes, temperaments, attitudes, values, lifestyles and preferences, learning styles, functional academic skills, health and medical issues.
- OPrep1.1.04 - States the major concepts and strategies in career planning: post-secondary outcome goals, dreams and visions, active listening, strategic planning for goal achievement, interagency teams (e.g. appropriate service providers as team members), negotiation, compromise, independence and accompanying responsibilities, decision-making and choice-making.